Please help us win! Submit your vote for Brent's Deli in the following Food & Drink categories: Brunch Catering Deli Family...
Summer means good weather, good food, and good times. That's why we created the Brent's BBQ Bundle -- an all-inclusive...
Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #brentsdeli. My brother and his wife bought...
Celebrate Dad this Father's Day by giving him the gift of taste! Dine in at one of our two locations, where...
We're celebrating graduation season with a "Give Your Grad A Sandwich" giveaway! The giveaway is valid for dine-in...
Join us Monday, May 5 as we celebrate Cinco de Mayo with: Huevos Rancheros (breakfast special) Steak Tacos...
Enter our "Mom Knows Best" photo contest for a chance to win a Brent's Deli Prize Pack! We accept restaurant...
[fblike] Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #brentsdeli. @brentsdeli i would do unspeakable...
For more videos, visit our YouTube channel. – – Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and...
19565 Parthenia Street
Northridge, CA 91324