What’s your first memory of Brent’s Deli? I was probably about five years old and all I wanted to do was play on the register. My grandpa (Brent’s Deli owner Ron Peskin) got me a milk crate to stand on […]
What’s your first memory of Brent’s Deli? I was probably about five years old and all I wanted to do was play on the register. My grandpa (Brent’s Deli owner Ron Peskin) got me a milk crate to stand on […]
We’re giving away $100 towards a catering order through Dec. 15, 2014! The offer is only available through Facebook. You’ll be awarded one point for entering, plus an additional point for each Facebook friend that enters the giveaway — so share it on […]
With more than 650 menu items for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, Brent’s Deli is the perfect place to enjoy dine-in, take-out and catering throughout the holiday season, including: Potato Latke Eggs Benedict – A twist on the conventional, this combination […]
Our annual “Season of Giving” Gift Card Giveaway is back for a limited time! Starting Sunday, Nov. 30, we’re giving you a FREE $20 Brent’s Deli gift card when you buy a $100 Brent’s Deli gift card. The following Terms & Conditions apply: More […]
This Veteran’s Day — Tuesday, November 11, 2014 — we’re inviting active-duty military and veterans to enjoy a 50% discount at one of our two locations! It’s our way of showing you that we appreciate your service to our country. The discount is valid for dine-in and take-out orders only. Proof of service is required and can include: […]
You may think of matzo ball soup as the default Jewish stew of sorts, but this Eastern European classic is also a staple on deli menus. Our recipe includes a sweet-and-sour broth, white cabbage, tomatoes, and thick chunks of steak. […]
Brent’s Deli owner Ron Peskin talks about the importance of cutting meat and fish the right way. – – #brentsdeli on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest Yelp – Northridge | Yelp – Westlake Village brentsdeli.com
Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Wife was sick & now my little guy caught it. Looks like another job 4 @brentsdeli#matzoballsoup#H2FAC#brentsdelipic.twitter.com/tqSCAsNiA4 — MiLoINKBooks (@MiLoINKBooks) October 24, 2014 Steak Roumanian style. Enjoying @brentsdeli w @MarshaCollier @curtbuthman and @RayJGordon #friends pic.twitter.com/fOprG72aRa — […]
Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #brentsdeli. @brentsdeli you nothing but the best. #numerouschoices#cantgowrong — Steve Weiss (@StevenWeiss) October 13, 2014 @ImMarkBernhardt #bacon makes everything better @brentsdeli — Marsha Collier (@MarshaCollier) October 12, 2014 The best deli ever — at Brent’s Deli […]
19565 Parthenia Street
Northridge, CA 91324