Kick Off Your Sunday at Our Happy Hour for Football Fans! Are you ready for the best way to spend your Sunday...
Elevating Happy Hour at Brent's Bar Brent's Bar is the ideal place to unwind, socialize, and take advantage...
Cocktails and Appetizers at Brent’s Deli If you're on the hunt for a place where delicious eats meet...
Cheers to Good Times at Brent’s Deli: Your New Go-To Spot for Relaxed Drinks and Delicious Bites Nestled...
Summer Happy Hour In Westlake Village There is no better place to relax and mingle with friends than Brent's...
Cocktails and Appetizers at Brent’s Deli Being busy for a continuous stretch can cause tiredness and fatigue,...
Date Night Bar in Westlake Village When it comes to crafting memorable date night experiences, finding...
19565 Parthenia Street
Northridge, CA 91324