From the German word stück, meaning "piece," this Yiddish word is used to describe a little piece of something...
Connect with us on Twitter (and Instagram) with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Thanks @brentsdeli successful business...
Jewish delis are notorious for pickles, and we're no different! We serve two types of pickles: Full-sour...
Originally from the German word naschen - meaning "to eat on the sly" - to nosh is to eat lightly or to snack. It...
Connect with us on Twitter (and Instagram) with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Brent's Delicatessen is my life @brentsdeli —...
Take a look back at our first-ever Community Appreciation Day! – – #brentsdeli on Facebook | Twitter...
Connect with us on Twitter (and Instagram) with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Delicious Black Pastrami Reuben! Thanks...
Connect with us on Twitter (and Instagram) with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Breakfast with the driving crew at @brentsdeli...
19565 Parthenia Street
Northridge, CA 91324