Dinner and Drinks at Brent's Deli in Westlake Village If you’re looking for the perfect combination of delicious...
Celebrate Mom with Delectable Delights As Mother's Day approaches, why not show your appreciation by treating...
Passover Dinner at Brent's If you are looking for a place to honor your family's Passover celebration,...
Celebrate Passover with Brent's Deli As Passover approaches, the air fills with the anticipation of family...
Connect with us on Twitter (and Instagram) with the hashtag #brentsdeli. Stopped by @brentsdeli in Notthridge...
Deli-ght Dad with a digital Father's Day card from Brent's Deli! To send him the card, use this Facebook...
Introducing Ten Dollar Tuesdays - breakfast, lunch and dinner specials for just $10 - every Tuesday - for the next...
John F. Kennedy once said: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." We...
Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #brentsdeli. How r u breaking the fast? Perhaps,...
19565 Parthenia Street
Northridge, CA 91324